39051 released atomic coordinate entries
Molecule Type
- 35,767 proteins, peptides, and viruses
- 1,671 nucleic acids
- 1,579 protein/nucleic acid complexes
- 34 other
Experimental Technique
- 33,126 X-Ray
- 5,707 NMR
- 134 Electron Microscopy
- 84 Other
- 21,163 structure factor files
- 3,014 NMR restraint files
The RCSB PDB is a member of the wwPDB.
Message from the RCSB PDB
In August, the wwPDB announced that effective October 15, 2006, PDB depositions will be restricted to atomic coordinates that are substantially determined by experimental measurements on specimens containing biological macromolecules. This policy was recommended and endorsed by a working group comprised of structural and computational biologists and endorsed by the wwPDB advisory committee. Thus, theoretical model depositions (such as models determined purely in silico using, for example, homology or ab initio methods) will no longer be accepted.
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PDB Community Focus: Dr. Wah Chiu
Education Corner: Robert J. Warburton, Shepherd University, West Virginia
Statement of Support, RCSB PDB Leadership Team, and RCSB PDB Members