This graph represents clusters and groups of publications that cite structures present in the PDB. We have clustered together publications that shared the similar MeSH terms; grouped them into communities.

The layout was created using the OpenOrd algorithm in Gephi. This layout maximises the formation of clusters, by showing together dots depending on their common references. Distances cannot be spatially interpreted, the spatial relationship is only a relative.

Publications that cite the PDB structures.

Branches are the highest hierarchical level of MeSH terms. There is one network per branch, so one can explore publications/structures from different perspectives.

Most publications have more than one MeSH terms relevant the research. The MeSH term selector allows to select all the MeSH terms that were present in the corpus relative to the branch you are currently viewing. The number in brackets indicates the number of relevant publications.

We clustered the publications into communities (groups) which are as similar as possible. The selector shows: a random number allocated to the group, its color, the number of publications in that group, and the 3 most frequent terms (only those within that branch). Some groups have less than 3 MeSH terms, showing they are very homogeneous.

The network allows you to:

  • Change branch. We created a network for each of the 15 branches.
  • Select/Search a MeSH term.
  • Select/Search a group.

MeSH branch
MeSH term