The RCSB PDB fosters communication with users to support access
to the information contained within the PDB archive. At the
same time, our outreach efforts are focused on soliciting input
from the user community to help improve RCSB PDB services.
Frequently, this dialog happens at workshops and professional
society meetings.
Recent meeting activity has included:
- The Keystone Symposia 'Frontiers of NMR in Molecular Biology'
(Jan 6-11 in Snowbird, Utah). A workshop entitled "The Future
of Publicly-Accessible Databases for NMR Spectroscopy" was held
to discuss issues surrounding deposition and data
representation in the PDB and BMRB. These issues were further
examined at a meeting of the PDB-BMRB joint NMR Task Force held
after the workshop.
- Annotators Jasmine Young and Monica
Sekharan exhibited at the 51st Annual Meeting of the
Biophysical Society (March 3-7 in Baltimore, Maryland).
- The
RCSB PDB also exhibited at the Celebration of Teaching &
Learning, an education-related professional development
conference for teachers, administrators, and others (March
23-24 in New York City).
We hope to see many of you at our upcoming meetings, some of which are highlighted below:
- The Experimental Biology Annual Meeting for members of American Association of Anatomists, The American Physiological Society, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, American Society for Investigative Pathology, American Society for Nutrition, Inc., and American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (April 28 - May 2, Washington, DC)
- The 15th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) & 6th European Conference on Computational Biology (July 19-25, Vienna, Austria)
- The meeting of the American Crystallographic Association (ACA; July 21-26, Salt Lake City, UT)
- The 234th American Chemical Society National Meeting (August 19-23, Boston, MA).
Demonstrations at the RCSB PDB's exhibit booth at the Biophysical Society Meeting