Newsletter | Summer 2014 ⋅ Number 62

Data Deposition and Annotation

In the second quarter of 2014, 2711 experimentally-determined structure coordinate entries were deposited to the archive. A total of 5140 entries have been deposited in the first half of this year.

Of the structures deposited during this quarter, 85.4% were deposited with a release status of hold until publication; 11.2% were released as soon as annotation of the entry was complete; and 3.4% were held until a particular date. 91.9% of these entries were determined by X-ray crystallographic methods; 5.6% were determined by NMR methods.

During the same period, 2359 structures and 118 EMDB maps were released in the PDB.

RCSB PDB's Lead Biocurator Jasmine Young presented a poster on the New wwPDB Deposition and Annotation System at the American Crystallographic Association (ACA)'s annual meeting in Albuquerque, NM from May 24-28.

The wwPDB's new system is open for X-ray crystallographic structure depositions at Since the beginning of 2014, more than 1,000 structures have been submitted! Features of the new system include:

  • New data format: Extensible, dictionary-driven PDBx/mmCIF produces more uniform data across the archive
  • Deposition efficiency: ability to replace coordinate and/or experimental data files pre- and post- submission
  • Enhanced communication: "In context" correspondence with wwPDB annotators and ability to preview and download processed files post-submission
  • Improved annotation: Improved ligand chemistry and polymer sequence checks with visual inspection provided during deposition
  • Validation: Geometry and experimental data checking during deposition and annotation is based on recommendations from expert task forces (X-ray, EM, NMR)