The brain orchestrates everything we do, sending signals through the nervous system to control different parts of our body. The brain is also the home of our thoughts and consciousness, as neurons process the input from our senses and store what they find as memories. Sometimes this input is not processed right. This can be modulated by the drugs prescribed by the doctors to amplify or to soften the neuronal signal.
High school students can help increase awareness by participating in the 2021 Video Challenge for High School Students on Molecular Mechanisms of Drugs for Mental Disorders.
Submit your entry on or before April 27, 2021. Visit PDB-101 for contest details, resources, guidelines, and the panel of expert judges.
A new painting by David S. Goodsell illustrates a cross-section through an Escherichia coli cell. The image is available for download from the Molecular Landscapes SciArt Gallery.
This painting is an update of an earlier E. coli painting from 1999, incorporating abundant new data that has been gathered since then, including proteomics information and many amazing new structures.
Goodsell's molecular landscapes are available from PDB-101 in a special SciArt Digital Archive. These watercolor paintings integrate information from structural biology, microscopy and biophysics to simulate detailed views of the molecular structure of living cells. These illustrations are free for use under CC-BY-4.0 license. Acknowledgement should be given as indicated for each illustration.
Show us illustrations inspired by vaccines and by 50 years of the PDB coronavirus with a new version of CellPAINT. The Scripps Research Center for Computational Structural Biology (CCSB) in association with RCSB PDB is hosting an image contest. There are two categories: Science of Vaccines and 50 Years of PDB.
For more information, visit PDB-101.
The wwPDB created a 2021 calendar to celebrate the PDB's golden anniversary. Each month's image is available to be used as a virtual meeting background.