2008 Website Statistics
2008 access statistics for are given below. Download statistics are available from
Month |
Unique Visitorss |
Visits |
Bandwidth |
January |
128781 |
319459 |
426.87 GB |
February |
139444 |
338946 |
567.18 GB |
March |
152264 |
361999 |
642.98 GB |
April |
134119 |
309222 |
585.77 GB |
May |
123862 |
286612 |
607.73 GB |
June |
132168 |
317814 |
651.02 GB |
July |
161567 |
355065 |
636.25 GB |
August |
133412 |
296024 |
514.27 GB |
September |
168114 |
366983 |
631.13 GB |
October |
178581 |
404453 |
843.63 GB |
November |
173891 |
381565 |
728.30 GB |
December |
141294 |
303359 |
491.65 GB |
View Domain Annotations in 3D
Sequence Details pages for all protein structures now include a Jmol view of the structure that can display domain annotations from SCOP, CATH, DP, PDP, Pfam, and InterPro.
To activate this view from a structure summary page, first select the Sequence Details tab. The default view displays a 2D graphical representation of the UniProt, PDB-ATOM and PDB-SEQRES sequences. Users can also select third-party domain annotations from this 2D image to appear with the corresponding structure in a Jmol viewer.
To view these annotations mapped onto the 3D structure, select [show 3D in Jmol] from the top of the page. Then, click on any of the domains on the sequence view. The corresponding colors for that domain will appear in the 3D Jmol viewer. The annotations shown in Jmol can change by clicking on an annotation shown in the 2D view.
By default, the Jmol window stays positioned on the top of the page. Select [dynamic Jmol position] to have the Jmol viewer adjust so that it is always to the top right of the page as you scroll down.
2D and 3D representations of sequence and domain annotations for PDB entry 1cdg (C.L. Lawson, R. van Montfort, B. Strokopytov, H.J. Rozeboom, K.H. Kalk, G.E. de Vries, D. Penninga, L. Dijkhuizen, B.W. Dijkstra (1994) Nucleotide sequence and X-ray structure of cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase from Bacillus circulans strain 251 in a maltose-dependent crystal form. J.Mol.Biol. 236: 590-600).
Getting Started with the RCSB PDB Website
Not sure how to find what you're looking for? To help users access all of the data and related resources available from the RCSB PDB website, the Getting Started page has been updated. This introduction offers a quick start to using the website and explains the left-hand menu and the tabbed navigation system. For example, selecting each tab offers rich ways of exploring individual structures and search result sets. The left-hand menus organize resources by topic.
This page is available from the bottom of
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Is your web browser configured to fully utilize RCSB PDB website features such as changing menus, temporarily stored queries, and Advanced Search? Click on the browser check page from the bottom of to find out.
Most modern browsers are fully supported. Users may encounter difficulty in certain portions of the site when using unsupported browsers or when different options are turned off.
The browser check page reports if there are any problems with your browser or browser settings, and provides instructions if changes are needed. Any other questions or problems? Please let our help desk know at
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