Snapshot: July 1, 2012
82679 released atomic coordinate entriesMolecule Type
76537 proteins, peptides,and viruses
2388 nucleic acids
3731 protein/nucleic acid complexes
23 other
Experimental Technique
72543 X-ray9487 NMR
436 Electron Microscopy
50 Hybrid
163 Other
Related Experimental Data Files
61940 structure factors6794 NMR restraints
556 NMR chemical shifts
Message from the RCSB PDB
New and enhanced features have been added to the RCSB PDB, including:
RCSB PDB Mobile. Search the entire PDB, view the latest weekly release of structures, access your MyPDB account, view the entire catalog of Molecule of the Month articles, and more using either a WiFi or cellular data connection. RCSB PDB Mobile is an update of the beta-tested PDBMobile.
Access the free download of RCSB PDB Mobile from Apple's App Store.
Author Profiles. This new PDB-101 feature displays a vertical timeline of the structures that list a particular researcher as a Deposition Author or Primary Citation Author. To jump to a specific time period, select a year from the right navigation menu or scroll down the page to load subsequent years.
Author Profile for J. Deisenhofer
Query and Display Features. Quickly search by Experimental and/or Molecule Type; view details about any revisions made to an entry from the Structure Summary page; and access Other Search Suggestions for top bar queries.
The What's New page has complete descriptions of all new features.