Published quarterly by the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank

Message from RCSB PDB

Join RCSB PDB and the Rutgers Institute for Quantitative Biomedicine for free and virtual training sessions.

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Python Scripting for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Thursday, April 20, 2023 (12-6pm EDT)

Learn about the power and flexibility of solving problems with Python. Attendees will learn to build and extract data from data frames using the Pandas library, curve fitting with enzyme kinetics data, and methods to extract data from mmCIF files using the Biopython library and RCSB PDB APIs.

Who should attend:

  • Undergraduate students in any STEM discipline
  • Graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in life sciences and data collection
  • Professionals involved in collecting and analyzing data, particularly big data

Visit IQB for details and registration.

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Use PDB Data to Their Full Extent: Understanding PDBx/mmCIF
Wednesday, May 3, 2023 (1-3pm EDT)

Understand the basics of PDBx/mmCIF data dictionary and file format that underpin archiving of more than 200,000 experimentally determined three-dimensional biostructures in the PDB. Learn about software tools for generating and working with PDBx/mmCIF files, and programmatic access for harvesting PDB data.

Who Should Attend:

  • Professionals and graduate students interested in learning about strategies to take full advantage of PDB data in the fields of:

    • Structural biology
    • Cheminformatics and computational chemistry
    • Bioinformatics and computational biology

Visit IQB for details and registration.

The two organizations will work together in support of the Open Science Data Federation and the RCSB PDB to ensure fast and easy access for researchers in Asia and Oceania. Visit for details.

New SARS-CoV-2 PDB structures and related resources are updated regularly at

Corona virus 3D model
Snapshot: April 1, 2023
203,084 Released atomic coordinate entries
Molecule Type
176,404 Proteins, peptides, and viruses
4,207 Nucleic acids
11,428 Protein/nucleic acid complexes
10,820 Protein/Oligosaccharide
22 Oligosaccharide (only)
203 Other
Experimental Technique
174,038 X-ray
13,956 NMR
14,761 Electron Microscopy
217 Multi Method
76 Neutron Diffraction
37 Other