Published quarterly by the Research Collaboratory
for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank
Fall 2012
Number 55


Snapshot: October 1, 2012

84846 released atomic coordinate entries

Molecule Type

78559 proteins, peptides,
and viruses

2430 nucleic acids

3833 protein/nucleic acid complexes

24 other

Experimental Technique

74567 X-ray

9605 NMR

458 Electron Microscopy

51 Hybrid

165 Other

Related Experimental Data Files

63989 structure factors

6911 NMR restraints

672 NMR chemical shifts

Head Back to School with PDB-101

Click on the blackboard logo to visit PDB-101.

The PDB-101 website packages together resources that promote exploration in the world of proteins and nucleic acids for teachers, students, and the general public.

Major elements include:

Author Profiles are a unique historical and educational tool that display a timeline of the structures associated with a particular researcher. Example profiles and searches for authors and structural genomics centers are available.

Educational Resources and materials, including posters, animations, and classroom lessons. Recently, a tRNA-building activity was added to the list of available activities.

Molecule of the Month articles describe the structure and function of a molecule, offer interactive views and discussion topics, and link to specialized pages to help explore specific example structures. Each feature can be accessed from a pull-down menu or from the archive.

Structural View of Biology. Built around the Molecule of the Month series, this feature promotes a top-down exploration of the PDB. Readers can travel through high-level functional categories (such as Protein Synthesis and Health and Disease) and descriptive subcategories (like Replication or Immune System) to access relevant articles that describe molecules in simple terms and provide specific examples.

Understanding PDB Data is a reference to help explore and interpret individual PDB entries. Broad topics include how to understand PDB data, how to visualize structures, how to read coordinate files, and potential challenges to exploring the archive.

Learn about the structure and function of tRNA by building a paper model in this new PDB-101 activity.